第6章 萌倒童年(2)
16 Pregnant
I have always tried to be open and honest with my children whenever they came to me with questions,but seven‐year‐old Bobby caught me off guard one evening when he bounced in at dinner time and asked,"Mom,when you get married,does that make you pregnant?"
"No,"I answered,"getting married is not what make you pregnant."
"Well,"he persisted,"how do you get pregnant then?"
Not wishing to get into such a serious discourse just before dinner,I answered,"Bobby,it's a sort of a long story."
With an impish look on his little face,he cocked his head and replied,"You don't know,do you?"
17 Two Cents a Glass
A boy was selling lemonade from two bowls on the same stand.In front of one bowl was sign"Five cents a glass."In front of the second bowl was a sign"Two cents a glass."
An old gentleman stopped,looked at the signs,and bought a glass of lemonade at two cents.He smacked his lips and ordered another.When he had finished,he asked,"How do you expect to sell any lemonade at five when you offer such a good drink for two cents?"
"Well,mister,it's this way,"said the boy."The cat fell in that two cents bowl about fifteen minutes ago,so I thought I'd better sell it out fast before the news spread too far."
18 Little Rock Buys the Bread
Little Rock arrived at the bakery vivaciously and asked,"Boss,do you have 100 small breads?"
Boss answered,"I'm sorry really that I haven't so many breads."
"Like this..."Little Rock walked dejectedly.
The second day,Little Rock arrived at the bakery vivaciously,"Do you have 100 small breads?"
Boss answered,"Sorry.I haven't so many bread."
"Like this..."Little Rock dejectedly walked.
The third day,Little Rock arrived at the bakery vivaciously,"Do you have 100 small breads?"
Boss said happily,"OK,OK,today we had 100 small breads!"
Little Rock pulls out money,"That's great,I buy three!"
19 The New Baby
Mr.and Mrs.John had a six‐year‐old boy named tom.Now Mrs.John was expecting another child.
Tom had seen babies in other people's houses and had not liked them very much,so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon going to be one in his house,too.
One evening Mr.and Mrs.John were making plans for the baby's arrival."This house won't be big enough for us all when the baby comes."
Tom came into the room just then and said,"What are you talking about?""We were saying that we'll have to move to another house now,because the new baby's coming."his mother answered.
"It's no use."said Tom hopelessly,"He'll follow us there."
20 An Artist's Daughter
An artist had a small daughter,sometimes he painted woman without any clothes on,and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this."She is too young to understand."they said.
But one day,when the artist was painting a woman without clothes on,he forgot to lock the door,and the little girl suddenly ran into the room.Her mother ran up the stairs after her,but when she got to the top,the little girl was already in the room and looking at the woman.Both her parents waited for her to speak.
For a few seconds the little girl said nothing,but then she ran to her mother and said angrily,"Why do you let her go about without shoes on while you don't let me?"
21 Lucky Mother
A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world.One evening,she was giving her small daughter her tea before putting her to bed.First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter,but the child said that she did not want it like that.She asked for some jam on her bread as well.
Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said,"When l was a small girl like you,Kelly,I was always given either bread and butter,or bread and jam,but never bread with butter and jam."
Kelly looked at her mother for a few moments with pity in her eyes and then said to her kindly,"Aren't you pleased that you've come to live with us now?"
22 Why Does It Rain on the Road Too
A small boy and his father were having a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard.They did not have their umbrellas with them,and there was nowhere to hide from the rain,so they were soon very wet,and the small boy did not feel very happy.