When it was the Two Hundred and Ninety-eighth Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Khalid,after conversing with the youth,sent him back to prison,where he passed the night.And when morning dawned the folk assembled to see his hand cut off,nor was there a soul in Bassorah,man or woman,but was present to look upon the punishment of that handsome youth.Then Khalid mounted in company of the notables of the city and others; and,summoning all four Kazis,sent for the young man,who came hobbling and stumbling in his fetters.There was none saw him but wept over him and the women all lifted up their voices in lamentation as for the dead.Then the Kazi bade silence the women and said to the prisoner,'These folk avouch that thou didst enter their dwelling-house and steal their goods:
belike thou stolest less than a quarter dinar[221]?' Replied he,'Nay,I stole that and more.' 'Peradventure,' rejoined the Kazi 'thou art partner with the folk in some of the goods?' Quoth the young man; 'Not so: it was all theirs,and I had no right in it.' At this the Khalid was wroth and rose and smote him on the face with his whip,applying to his own case this couplet,'Man wills his wish to him accorded be;*But Allah naught accords save what He wills.'
Then he called for the butcher to do the work,who came and drew forth his knife and taking the prisoner's hand set the blade to it,when,behold,a damsel pressed through the crowd of women,clad in tattered clothes,[222] and cried out and threw herself on the young man.Then she unveiled and showed a face like the moon whereupon the people raised a mighty clamour and there was like to have been a riot amongst them and a violent scene.But she cried out her loudest,saying,'I conjure thee,by Allah,O Emir,hasten not to cut off this man's hand,till thou have read what is in this scroll!' So saying,she gave him a scroll,and Khalid took it and opened it and read therein these couplets,'Ah Khalid! this one is a slave of love distraught,* And these bowed eye-lashes sent shaft that caused his grief:
Shot him an arrow sped by eyes of mine,for he,* Wedded to burning love of ills hath no relief:
He hath avowed a deed he never did,the while*Deeming this better than disgrace of lover fief:
Bear then,I pray,with this distracted lover mine*Whose noble nature falsely calls himself a thief!'
When Khalid had read these lines he withdrew himself from the people and summoned the girl and questioned her; and she told him that the young man was her lover and she his mistress; and that thinking to visit her he came to the dwelling of her people and threw a stone into the house,to warn her of his coming.Her father and brothers heard the noise of the stone and sallied out on him; but he,hearing them coming,caught up all the household stuff and made himself appear a robber to cover his mistress's honour.'Now when they saw him they seized him (continued she),crying:--A thief! and brought him before thee,whereupon he confessed to the robbery and persisted in his confession,that he might spare me disgrace; and this he did,making himself a thief,of the exceeding nobility and generosity of his nature.' Khalid answered,'He is indeed worthy to have his desire;' and,calling the young man to him,kissed him between the eyes.Then he sent for the girl's father and bespoke him,saying,'O Shaykh,we thought to carry out the law of mutilation in the case of this young man; but Allah (to whom be Honour and Glory!) hath preserved us from this,and I now adjudge him the sum of ten thousand dirhams,for that he would have given his hand for the preservation of thine honour and that of thy daughter and for the sparing of shame to you both.Moreover,I adjudge other ten thousand dirhams to thy daughter,for that she made known to me the truth of the case; and I ask thy leave to marry her to him.'
Rejoined the old man,'O Emir,thou hast my consent.' So Khalid praised Allah and thanked Him and improved the occasion by preaching a goodly sermon and a prayerful;--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Two Hundred and Ninety-ninth Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Khalid praised Allah and thanked Him and improved the occasion by preaching a goodly sermon and a prayerful; after which he said to the young man,'I give thee to wife the damsel,such an one here present,with her own permission and her father's consent; and her wedding settlement shall be this money,to wit,ten thousand dirhams.' 'I accept this marriage at thy hands,' replied the youth; and Khalid bade them carry the money on brass trays in procession to the young man's house,whilst the people dispersed,fully satisfied.'And surely (quoth he who tells the tale[223]) never saw I a rarer day than this,for that it began with tears and annoy; and it ended with smiles and joy.'
And in contrast of this story is this piteous tale of JA'AFAR THE BARMECIDE AND THE BEAN SELLER.