There was once a manwho was overborne with debtand his case was straitened upon himso that he left his people and family and went forth in distraction. He wandered on at random till he came to a high-walled and splendidly built city and entered it in a state of wretchedness and despairgnawed with hunger and worn with the toil of his journey. As he passed through one of the streetshe saw a company of notables going along;so he followed themtill they entered a house like to a royal palace. He entered with themand they stayed not till they came in presence of a man of the most dignified and majestic aspectseated at the upper end of a saloon and surrounded by pages and servantsas he were of the sons of the Viziers. When he saw the visitorshe rose and received them with honour;but the poor man was confounded at the goodliness of the place and the crowd of servants and attendants and drawing backin fear and perplexitysat down apart in a place afar offwhere none should see him.
After awhilein came a man with four hunting-dogsclad in various kinds of silk and brocade and having on their necks collars of gold with chains of silverand tied up each dog in a place set apart for him;after which he went out and presently returned with four dishes of goldfull of rich meatsone of which he set before each dog. Then he went away and left them,whilst the poor man began to eye the foodfor stress of hunger,and would fain have gone up to one of the dogs and eaten with him;but fear of them withheld him. Presentlyone of the dogs looked at him and God the Most High inspired him with a knowledge of his case;so he drew back from the platter and beckoned to the manwho came and atetill he was satisfied.
Then he would have withdrawnbut the dog pushed the dish towards him with his pawsigning to him to take it and what was left in it for himself. So the man took the dish and leaving the housewent his wayand none followed him. Then he journeyed to another citywhere he sold the dish and buying goods with the pricereturned to his own town. There he sold his stock and paid his debts;and he prospered and became rich and at his ease.
After some years had passedhe said to himself'Needs must I repair to the city of the owner of the dishwhich the dog bestowed on meand carry him its pricetogether with a fit and handsome present.'So he took the price of the dish and a suitable present and setting outjourneyed night and daytill he came to the city and enteringwent straight to the place where the man's house had been;but lohe found there nothing but mouldering ruins and dwelling-places laid wasteover which the raven croaked;for the place was desert and the environs changed out of knowledge. At thishis heart and soul were troubled and he repeated the words of him who saith:
The privy chambers are void of all their hidden storeAs hearts of the fear of God and the virtues all of yore.
Changed is the vale and strange to me are its gazellesAnd those I knew of old its sandhills are no more.
And those of another:
The phantom of Saada came to me by nightnear the break of dayAnd roused mewhenas my comrades all in the desert sleeping lay.
Butwhen I awoke to the dream of the nightthat came to visit meI found the air void and the wonted place of our rendezvous far away.
When he saw what the hand of time had manifestly done with the placeleaving but traces of the things that had been aforetime,the testimony of his eyes made it needless for him to enquire of the case;so he turned away and seeing a wretched manin a plight that made the skin quake and would have moved the very rock to pitysaid to him'Harkyesirrah! What have
time and fortune done with the master of this place? Where are his shining full moons and splendid stars;and what is the cause of the ruin that is come upon his abodeso that but the walls thereof remain?'Quoth the other'He is the miserable wretch thou seest bewailing that which hath befallen him. Knowest thou not the words of the Prophet(whom God bless and preserve)wherein is a lesson to him who will profit by it and an admonition to whoso will be guided thereby in the right way? 'Verily it is the way of God the Most High to raise up nothing of this worldexcept He cast it down again.'If thou enquire of the cause of this thingindeedit is no wonder,considering the vicissitudes of fortune. I was the master of this place and its builder and founder and owner and lord of its shining full moons and radiant damsels and of all its splendid circumstance an magnificent garniture;but Fortune turned and did away from me wealth and servantsoverwhelming me unawares with disasters unforeseen and bringing me to this sorry plight. But there must needs be some reason for this thy question: tell it me and leave wondering.'
So the other told him the whole storysore concerned at what he heard and sawand added'I have brought thee a present such as souls desireand the price of thy dish of goldthat I took;for it was the cause of my becoming richafter poverty,and of the reinstating of my dwelling-placeafter desolation,and of the doing away of my trouble and straitness from me.'
But the poor man shook his headgroaning and weeping and lamentingand answered'O manmethinks thou art mad;for this is not the fashion of a man of understanding. How should a dog of mine make gift to thee of a dish of gold and I receive back its price? This were indeed a strange thing! By Allah,were I in the straitest misery and uneaseI would not accept of thee aughtnonot the worth of a nail-paring! So return whence thou camestin health and safety.'
The merchant kissed his feet and taking leave of himreturned whence he camepraising him and reciting the following verse:
The men and eke the dogs are gone and vanished all. Peace be upon the men and dogswhate'er befall!