1.7 Relationship to Other Disciplines
Software and software engineering have relationship to many other disciplines, including:
● Computer Engineering
● Computer Science
● Management
● Mathematics
● Project Management
● Quality Management
● Software Ergonomics
● Systems Engineering
“Note that the content is markedly different from computer science. Just as electrical engineering is based upon the science of physics, software engineering should be based, among other things, upon computer science. In these two cases, though, the emphasis is necessarily different. Scientists extend our knowledge of the laws of nature while engineers apply those laws of nature to build useful artifacts, under a number of constraints.{5} Therefore, the emphasis of the course is placed on the construction of useful software artifacts.”[SWEBOK2004]
Essentially computer science is concerned with the theories and methods that underlie computers and software systems, whereas software engineering is concerned with the practical problems of producing software. Software engineering is concerned with all aspects of software production and software engineering is combination of quality-focus, process, methods and tools.