Dear Readers,
You have chosen a unique reference book which solely focuses on DSP functions implemented by FPGA. Those DSP functions are commonly used in industry various applications like wireless digital front end,power grid,industrial control and more.
Many electronic design engineers have already known FPGA evolution from the glue logic to ex-tensible processing platform,FPGA will soon take the key role of main chip on the PCB,FPGA will function like a truly SOC(System On Chip)with excellent benefits of flexibility and programmable. Engineer will design one common hardware FPGA platform yet be customized to different end-cus-tomer feature requirement. There is great economic value to the company product development and product differentiation;and great satisfaction by the design engineer.
Extensible processing platform comprises of DSP implementation and embedded processor. Xil-inx take the leading role in product definition and to offer suitable product for various market seg-ments.
The author has many years of hands-on experience in using Xilinx FPGA to implement DSP functions as an electronic design engineer. He attended Xilinx FAE training courses,gained in-depth knowledge of FPGA features,development tools and design flow. He supported many custom-ers’DSP related projects as a field application engineer. Hence,he wrote the book with his hands-on experience and practical knowledge.
I wish readers enjoy reading the book,enrich your knowledge in implementing DSP functions with Xilinx FPGA.
Octavius Lim
Xilinx Channel Sales Director
China and ASEAN
12 Sep 201 1