1.1 热身活动
1.1.1 快来这里坐下来,我们欢迎每个人
circle time(就是小朋友们围坐在一起,在老师带领下一起唱歌做游戏的互动时间。相当于国内的亲子互动课吧。)
come on(快点来吧)
sit with me(和我一同坐下)
keep singing until everyone has sat down in a circle and their names have been sung.(继续唱下去,直到每个孩子都坐下,而且每个孩子的名字都唱过了。)
P: Hi, everyone. Welcome!(大家好! 欢迎来到这里!)
Does anyone know why we are here today?(有人知道今天我们为什么来这里吗?)
C: No.(不知道。)【摇头】
P: This is our circle time. We are going to be spending some time with you and we're going to play some games.(现在是亲子互动时间。我们将在一起度过一段美好的时间,并一起做游戏。)
C: Yeah!
曲调:“Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Come on, everybody,it's circle time.(来吧,小朋友们,现在是游戏互动时间。)
Circle time, circle time. (游戏互动时间,游戏互动时间。)
Come on, everybody, it's circle time.
Please come and sit with me. (请过来和我一同坐下。)
曲调:“The Farmer in the Dell”
I'm glad you came today.(我很高兴你今天能来。)
I'm glad you came today.
Hello,hello everyone.(你好,大家好。)【挥手问好】
I'm glad you came today.
We're glad we came today.(我们很高兴今天来这里。)
We're glad we came today.
Hello, hello everyone.【挥手问好】
We're glad we came today.
P and C:
We'll work and play today.(今天我们将工作、玩耍。)
We'll work and play today.
Hello, hello everyone.【挥手问好】
We'll work and play today.
曲调:“Happy Birthday”
We welcome you here.(我们欢迎你来这里。)
We welcome you here.
We welcome everybody.(我们欢迎每个人。)
We welcome you here.
曲调:“Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Let's sit for a story,(让我们坐下听故事,)
For a story, for a story.
Let's sit for a story,
Please come and sit with me.(请来跟我一起坐下。)
XiaoYi is listening, (小熠在听故事,)
Listening, listening.
XiaoYi is listening,
He came and sat with me.(他来跟我一起坐下。)
KeXin is listening, (可欣在听故事,)
Listening, listening.
KeXin is listening,
She came and sat with me.(她来跟我一起坐下。)
Let's sit in a circle, (让我们坐成一个圆圈,)
A circle, a circle.
Let's sit in a circle,
Please come and sit with me.(请来跟我一起坐下。)
HaoHao sat in the circle, (浩浩坐在圆圈里了,)
In the circle, in the circle.
HaoHao sat in the circle,
He came and sat with me,(他来跟我一起坐下。)
1.1.2 不用说话咋沟通,巧用手势来帮忙
be quiet(请安静)
wave your hand(挥你的手)
put a finger on your lips(将一根手指放在嘴唇边)
hold out your hand(伸出一只手)
sign language(手语)
They talk in sign language. (他们用手语相互交谈。)
body language (肢体语言)
We usually express extra meaning with body language.(我们常用肢体语言来表达特别的意思。)
sit right here(坐在这里)
stop talking (停止交谈)
shake hands with me(与我握手)
make a friend(做朋友)
P: Hi, XiaoYi. Do you know what this motion is?(嗨,小熠。你知道这个动作的意思吗?)C: Yes, I know. You are waving your hand to say “hello” or “good-bye”. (是的,我知道。你挥手是表示“你好”或“再见”。)
P: Good! Now, I'm putting a finger on my lips. Do you know what this means?(真棒!现在我将一根手指放在嘴唇上,你知道这个动作的意思吗?)
C: No, I don't know.(不,我不知道。)
P: Oh, I am putting a finger on my lips to say “be quiet”.(哦,我将一根手指放在嘴唇上,表示“请安静”。)
Now, I'm holding out my hand to say “stop”.(现在,我伸出一只手,表示“停止”。)
Could you name some of the ways people communicate without words? (你们能想出不用说话就能沟通的其他一些方法吗?)
C: Without words?(不用说话?)
P: Mmm hhmmm.(嗯)
让孩子们想出不用说话通过肢体动作就能沟通的方法。例如,用挥手来表示“你好”或“再见”; 将一根手指放在嘴唇边表示“安静”;伸出一只手表示“停止”;双手摊开指向对方表示“请”等。
曲调:“Skip to My Lou”
When I do this I'm saying “hello”. (当我这样做的时候,是在说“你好”。)
【wave your hand挥手】
When I do this I'm saying “hello” .
When I do this I'm saying “hello” .
Saying “hello” , my darling.(说“你好”,我的宝贝。)
When I do this I'm saying “be quiet” . (当我这样做的时候,是在说“请安静”)
【put a finger on your lips手指放在嘴唇上】
When I do this I'm saying “be quiet” .
When I do this I'm saying “be quiet” .
Saying “be quiet” , my darling. (说“请安静”,我的宝贝。)
When I do this I'm saying “stop” . (当我这样做的时候,是在说“停止”。)
【hold out your hand伸出一只手】
When I do this I'm saying “stop”.
When I do this I'm saying “stop” .
Saying “stop”, my darling. (说“停止”,我的宝贝。)
When I do this I'm saying “please”. (当我这样做的时候,是在说“请”。)
When I do this I'm saying “please”.
When I do this I'm saying “please”.
Saying “please”, my darling. (说“请”,我的宝贝。)
My right hand says good morning.(我的右手说早上好。)
Good morning to you.(对你说早上好。)
My right hand says good morning
Good morning to you
My left hand says follow me.(我的左手说跟我来。)
Follow me and sing along.(跟着我一起唱。)
My left hand says follow me
Follow me and sing along
曲调:“ If You're Happy and You Know It”
If your ready and you know it, sit right here.(如果你准备好了,并且知道,那么请坐在这里。)
If your ready and you know it, sit right here.
If your ready and you know it, then let's do it. (如果你准备好了,并且知道,那么让我们一起做。)
If your ready and you know it, sit right here.
If your ready and you know it, stop talking. (如果你准备好了,并且知道,那么请停止交谈。)
If your ready and you know it, stop talking.
If your ready and you know it, then let's play a game. (如果你准备好了,并且知道,那么让我们玩游戏吧。)
If your ready and you know it, stop talking.
If your ready and you know it, shake my hands. (如果你准备好了,并且知道,那么与我握手吧。)
If your ready and you know it, shake my hands.
If your ready and you know it, then let's make friends. (如果你准备好了,并且知道,那么让我们做朋友吧。)
If your ready and you know it, shake my hands.