第12章 设计自己的人生
Design Your Own Life
佚名 / Anonymous
One of the so-called realities of growing up is the resignation and acceptance of what is or is not possible in our lives. Consider how many times you have been told or have said to yourself “Now be realistic...” OUCH!!!Realistic based upon what? The expectations of society? The fears of our parents who wanted to “save” us the pain of unmet expectations and failure? The capacity and capability of our friends and siblings? Now being realistic can be a way of managing your expectations and making sure you are safe, however it can also be a great excuse not to risk and a marvelous story of why you should not even try in the first place.
Something that I have discovered in the past decade of working with thousands of people is that many people will not even allow themselves to dream. I find it difficult to image the dull ache of denying one of our greatest capacities as human beings, the ability to manifest and co-create our reality.
Have you been lowering your wants or blocking your dreams, passion and vision? If that is true for you, for the next 5 minutes I am going to ask you to not be realistic, to not censor your wants, dreams and desires. Just allow yourself to be free with your thoughts and feelings in order to answer the following question.
What do you want? What do you want to be, do and have? Live on the beach, travel round the world, start a family, start a business, create a loving relationship, learn another language, become a millionaire, retire, play, teach and share what you know, express your creativity... What do you want? Allow yourself to go past the surface answers and get to what it is that you truly want.
As the picture becomes clearer and clearer, I want you to grab a piece of paper and title it “My Ideal Life”. Write down your ideal life, where you are, how you feel, who you are with, the quality of your relationships, what you do with your time and how you express your unique contribution to the world. Do not just turn the page or think about it in your head, actually take some time to consciously design your life and the experiences you want to create. The sad truth is that most people spend more time planning their wedding day than they spend planning their lives!Your written ideal life becomes your blueprint to manifest everything you want to be, do and have in your life. Read and review our ideal life daily. Share it with others. Ask for support and begin taking steps toward making it a reality NOW!
When it comes to manifesting your dreams, I believe that Richard Bach said it best, “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.”
1. Now realistic can be a way of managing your expectations and making you are safe, however it can also be a great not to risk and a marvelous of why you should not try in the first place.
2. I find it to image the dull ache of denying one of our greatest capacities human beings, the ability to manifest and co-create our .
3. and review our ideal life . Share it others. Ask for support and begin taking toward making it a reality NOW!
1. 在过去与成千上万人的交往过程中我发现,很多人甚至不允许他们自己去梦想。
2. 你曾降低你的希望或者束缚你的梦想、热情或想象吗?
3. 悲哀的是,大部分人用更多的时间来计划他们的婚礼,而不是他们的生活!
1. Just allow yourself to be free with your thoughts and feelings in order to answer the following question.
2. The sad truth is that most people spend more time planning their wedding day than they spend planning their lives!
spend more time doing:花更多时间做某事