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Chapter 1. The R Environment
Installing R and using the command line
Coding with R beyond the command line
Evaluating expressions
Exploring the basic object types in R
Chapter 2. Working with Vectors and Time Series
Vectors – the basic data structures in R
Using functions with several parameters
Creating subsets of vectors
Dealing with missing values
Writing new functions
Working with dates and time series
Introducing graphical functions
Chapter 3. Working with Tables
Using the data.frame class to represent tabular data
Controlling code execution
Automated calculations using the apply family of functions
Inference from tables by joining reshaping and aggregating
Chapter 4. Working with Rasters
Using the matrix and array classes
Data structures for rasters in the raster package
Subsetting rasters
Overlay and reclassification of rasters
Chapter 5. Working with Points Lines and Polygons
Data structures for vector layers in R
Exploring vector layer properties and subsetting
Geometrical calculations on vector layers
Spatial relations between vector layers
Joining geometries with tabular data
Chapter 6. Modifying Rasters and Analyzing Raster Time Series
Changing the spatial extent or resolution of rasters
Raster resampling and reprojection
Filtering and clumping
Topography-related calculations with elevation data
Aggregating spatio-temporal raster data
Chapter 7. Combining Vector and Raster Datasets
Creating rasters from vector layers
Creating vector layers from a raster
Extracting raster values based on vector layers
Chapter 8. Spatial Interpolation of Point Data
Spatially interpolating point data
Mapping the annual temperature in Spain
Chapter 9. Advanced Visualization of Spatial Data
Plotting with ggplot2 and ggmap
Making 3D plots with lattice
Appendix A. External Datasets Used in Examples
Appendix B. Cited References