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Chapter 1. Live Programming with Clojure
REPL up!
Working with primitive data types
Using bindings of vars conditions loops and error handling
Using and defining functions
Using third-party libraries
Using namespaces
What's next?
Chapter 2. Interacting with Collections
Clojure collections and their basic functions
Accessing and updating elements from collections
Filtering elements from collections
Transforming and sorting collections
Merging and splitting collections
How to become lazy
Chapter 3. Clojure Next
Using destructuring techniques
Using functional programming style
Using threading macros
Defining simple macros
Defining more advanced macros
Using protocols
Defining multimethods
Transducers for dummies
Logic programming in Clojure
Chapter 4. File Access and the Network
Manipulating files and directories
Manipulating various formats of files - XML JSON YAML and EDN
Making use of Clojure HTTP client
Using queues and topics in the RabbitMQ
Using Kafka
Using MQTT
Streaming access to provide high performance
Using Apache Camel to connect everything
Chapter 5. Working with Other Languages
Calling Java methods and accessing Java objects from Clojure
Extending Java superclasses and implementing Java interfaces
Calling Clojure from Java
Calling Scala from Clojure
Chapter 6. Concurrency and Parallelism
Solving concurrent problems using Clojure
Distributed actor-based dev with Akka
Using Spyglass and Couchbase to share state between JVMs
Reactive programming with meltdown
Bridging core.async
On Quasar/Pulsar
Chapter 7. Advanced Tips
Hacking the Clojure code
Using Reader Conditionals compile to Clojure and ClojureScript
Real-time shared development with an REPL
Declarative data descriptions and validations with plumatic/schema
Chapter 8. Web Applications
Clojure with Vaadin - easy web widgets
Quickly create a REST API with Liberator
Working with Immutant - reusing infrastructure
Developing with om.next the next-generation ClojureScript library
Chapter 9. Testing
Behavior-driven development
Testing with random inputs and pattern-based testing
Benchmarking with Criterium performance tips and other tools
Chapter 10. Deployment and DevOps
Riemann - monitoring deliverance and slacking
Deploying Clojure with Docker
Clojure on Amazon Web Services