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Hadoop 2.x Administration Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Hadoop Architecture and Deployment
Building and compiling Hadoop
Installation methods
Setting up host resolution
Installing a single-node cluster - HDFS components
Installing a single-node cluster - YARN components
Installing a multi-node cluster
Configuring the Hadoop Gateway node
Decommissioning nodes
Adding nodes to the cluster
Chapter 2. Maintaining Hadoop Cluster HDFS
Configuring HDFS block size
Setting up Namenode metadata location
Loading data in HDFS
Configuring HDFS replication
HDFS balancer
Quota configuration
HDFS health and FSCK
Configuring rack awareness
Recycle or trash bin configuration
Distcp usage
Control block report storm
Configuring Datanode heartbeat
Chapter 3. Maintaining Hadoop Cluster – YARN and MapReduce
Running a simple MapReduce program
Hadoop streaming
Configuring YARN history server
Job history web interface and metrics
Configuring ResourceManager components
YARN containers and resource allocations
ResourceManager Web UI and JMX metrics
Preserving ResourceManager states
Chapter 4. High Availability
Namenode HA using shared storage
ZooKeeper configuration
Namenode HA using Journal node
Resourcemanager HA using ZooKeeper
Rolling upgrade with HA
Configure shared cache manager
Configure HDFS cache
HDFS snapshots
Configuring storage based policies
Configuring HA for Edge nodes
Chapter 5. Schedulers
Configuring users and groups
Fair Scheduler configuration
Fair Scheduler pools
Configuring job queues
Job queue ACLs
Configuring Capacity Scheduler
Queuing mappings in Capacity Scheduler
YARN and Mapred commands
YARN label-based scheduling
Chapter 6. Backup and Recovery
Initiating Namenode saveNamespace
Using HDFS Image Viewer
Fetching parameters which are in-effect
Configuring HDFS and YARN logs
Backing up and recovering Namenode
Configuring Secondary Namenode
Promoting Secondary Namenode to Primary
Namenode recovery
Namenode roll edits – online mode
Namenode roll edits – offline mode
Datanode recovery – disk full
Configuring NFS gateway to serve HDFS
Recovering deleted files
Chapter 7. Data Ingestion and Workflow
Hive server modes and setup
Using MySQL for Hive metastore
Operating Hive with ZooKeeper
Loading data into Hive
Partitioning and Bucketing in Hive
Hive metastore database
Designing Hive with credential store
Configuring Flume