更新时间:2019-12-20 16:54:21
1 不可多得
Hard to Come By
2 大公无私
Just and Selfless
3 独步一时
To Have No Equal in One's Time
4 击缶秦公
King of Qin Playing the Fou
5 布衣之交
Friends in Days of Simple Life
6 毛遂自荐
To Volunteer One's Services
7 一言九鼎
A Word Carrying the Weight of Nine Tripods
8 脱颖而出
Talent Showing Itself
9 因人成事,三寸之舌
To Rely on Others to Succeed in Work; a Silver Tongue
10 漆身吞炭
Lacquering One's Body and Swallowing Charcoals
11 众人国士
A Mediocre Man and a State Talent
12 赵衰举贤
Zhao Shuai Recommending the Wise Man
13 排难解纷
Pouring Oil on Troubled Waters
14 图穷匕见
When the Map Was Unrolled the Dagger Was Revealed
15 坐怀不乱
Keeping His Mind Undisturbed with a Woman in His Bosom
16 程婴杵臼
As Sincere as Cheng Ying and Chujiu
17 汉思李牧
The Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty Missing Li Mu
18 简子谦卑
Jianzi's Humility
19 天经地义
The Principles of Heaven and Earth
20 天下无双
Unparalleled in the World
21 三千剑客
Three Thousand Swordsmen
22 董狐之笔
Dong Hu's Brush Pen
23 一狐之腋
The Armpit Underfur of a Fox
24 一日千里
A Thousand Li a Day
25 一字千金
One Word Worth a Thousand Taels of Gold
26 坚守一心
Serving the Country Wholeheartedly
27 季子裘敝
Jizi in Poor Clothing
28 赤心陈事
To Give an Account Genuinely
29 疾风劲草
Only High Wind Knows the Sturdy Grass
30 乐此不疲
Always Enjoying It
31 鸱衔腐鼠
An Owl Picking Up a Dead Mouse
32 代笔捉刀
Taking a Knife on Behalf of Others
1 按兵不动
Immobilizing the Troops and Not Throwing Them into Battle
2 百发百中
A Hundred Shots a Hundred Bull's-Eyes
3 抱薪救火
Carrying Firewood to Put Out a Fire
4 不可同日而语
No Comparison between the Two
5 出奇制胜
To Defeat the Opponent with a Surprising Action
6 推心置腹
To Repose Full Confidence in People
7 价值连城
A Jade Worth Cities
8 完璧归赵
Returning the Jade Intact to Zhao State
9 窃符救赵
Stealing the Military Tally to Save Zhao State
10 围魏救赵
Besieging Wei to Rescue Zhao
11 两鼠斗穴
Two Rats Fighting in the Hole
12 生报死仇
To Take Revenge after One's Death
13 唇亡齿寒
If the Lips Are Gone the Teeth Will Be Cold
14 退避三舍
To Give Way to Avoid a Conflict
15 前事不忘,后事之师
Past Experience Is a Guide for the Future
16 丛台置酒